
In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. – Carl Gustav Jung

Starting therapy is a courageous step towards facing something that is asking for your attention inside. It’s a commitment to a practice of internal reflection, which sets in motion a growth and change that is trying to emerge. Having a meaningful and transformative therapy experience relies heavily on a good match between client and therapist. May the information here help you get a sense of whether I’m the right person for you to work with at this time.

Experiences I primarily work with:

  • anxiety and dread
  • relationship conflict and enmeshed relationships
  • low self worth/esteem
  • perfectionism/highly critical
  • lack of self-compassion
  • life transitions
  • childhood trauma, such as neglect and physical or sexual abuse
  • re-membering, re-connecting to one’s Self

What is your approach?

I use an intuitive and mindfulness based approach pulling from a decade of practice in insight meditation and training in depth psychology, particularly the analytical psychology of Carl G. Jung. My style is warm, approachable, and relational.  My work is a blend of addressing uncomfortable symptoms in the present, while also exploring their sources, which are often connected to experiences from the past, and then looking to what is trying to emerge for the future.

Another aspect of psychotherapy can be cultivating a relationship with the unconscious, which can assist us in showing us what may be out of balance, and help us to become more of ourselves. While growing up and maturing, parts of ourselves are encouraged or approved of, and often become dominant, while other parts can be criticized, rejected or underdeveloped, and left in the shadows. These rejected or shunned parts often hold gifts, talents, feelings, and important information that we need in order to feel more alive and comfortable in our skin. I believe there is a deep innate urge/impulse to become balanced/whole and therapy supports this natural movement in you by opening up a curious and encouraging space for all parts of yourself to show up. Paying attention to night dreams can be a very helpful way to engage with the unconscious.

What does therapy look like?

Each therapy is completely different as it is tailored to each unique person. This is what I love about therapy – it honors the individual’s unique personality, wounds, strengths, and destiny. In therapy I will encourage you to share as openly and honestly as possible about yourself and your experiences, including your emotions, concerns, regrets, fantasies, fears, and dreams. I will listen deeply, provide reflections, and ask questions. In addition to my training and background I will bring intuition, warmth, humor, and dedication to our work. Although therapy can feel challenging and scary at times as we face difficult feelings or experiences together, it is also filled with discovery, awe, joy, and beauty.